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July 4, 2014 Scott

Developer’s Lane: Top 20 CakePHP Interview Questions and Answers

The Developer’s Lane site has posted a top ten list of questions answered about the CakePHP framework. The idea is that they could be used as a part of an interview to see how well the candidate knows the framework.

Here there are many questions and answers about How CakePHP Framework works? and basic questions related to CakePHP framework functionality.

Questions include:

  • What are are drawbacks of Cakephp?
  • What is the name of Cakephp database configuration file name and its location?
  • What are commonly used components of Cakephp?
  • Why does Cakephp have two vendor folders?
  • Can you remember what is the directory structure when you download Cakephp?

The questions provide a good overview of the framework, but won’t tell you if the developer is any good…you still need to figure out that one on your own.

Link: http://www.developerslane.com/top-20-cakephp-interview-questions-and-answers/

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