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How I Lost 80% of My Traffic Overnight (And How I Got it Back, Plus More!)

city-man-water-roof How I Lost 80% of My Traffic Overnight (And How I Got it Back, Plus More!)

In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I want to tell you a little story.

I want to tell you about one morning in 2004 when I realised my blog, which I’d recently established as my full time source of income, had hardly any traffic coming to it. I lost between 80 and 90% of my traffic literally overnight, and I couldn’t figure out why. You can imagine that when my traffic took such a shocking nosedive, so did my income! It was one of the biggest wake-up calls I’ve had in my career, and it changed the way I blogged from that day forward.

When I look back, I probably think I was a bit complacent about traffic, and I really hadn’t thought much past what Google could bring. So when Google stopped bringing it, I wasn’t sure what to do. I had worked my way up to a point where the blog was thriving, and so I went into coast mode rather than ensuring that it had longevity.

It’s funny that although I thought it was the end of the world at the time, I’m actually really grateful it happened because the steps I took to rectify it ended up growing my blogs much faster than before.

In today’s episode I’m going to outline the steps I took to not only recover the traffic I lost, but to drive it even higher, and what you can do if disaster happens to strike you!

You can find the ProBlogger podcast shownotes here.

Further Reading:

  • 4 Methods To Get More Blog Traffic From Twitter
  • Grow Traffic to Your Blog Through Guest Posting and Creating Content for Other Blogs, Forums, Media and Events
  • How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Through Your Archived Material on Facebook
  • 3 Growth Hacking Strategies for Bloggers to Quadruple Their Blog Traffic without SEO
  • 4 Ways Pinterest Can Help Drive Traffic To Your Blog

The post How I Lost 80% of My Traffic Overnight (And How I Got it Back, Plus More!) appeared first on @ProBlogger.

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