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June 11, 2014 Scott

SitePoint PHP Blog: How to Create a Laravel CSS-Minify Command

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new post today from Tounes Rafie showing you how, in a Laravel framework based application, to create a minify command with the framework’s “artisan” command.

In this article you’ll learn how to use Laravel’s Artisan command line tool, and how to create a customized command. Note that you need to be familiar with the Laravel framework to get the most of this article. In this tutorial we’re going to build a command to minify our css assets.

He starts with a (very) brief look at what Laravel commands are and the options this articular one will include. Next up is the code you’ll need to create the command, making use of Laravel’s integration of the Symfony Console component. He shows how to register the command with the rest of the application and how to work with the options/arguments for the input. From there he shows how to run the command and how to make some other improvements including colorized output and more information on execution.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/create-laravel-css-minify-command

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